But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledgeof Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him -Philippians 3:7-8
So, the sermon was out of Philippians. We were celebrating communion, and I was singing a song I have sung dozens of times in church and at Campbell functions. It is a beautiful song, and today it hit me like never before.
Your broken form upon the cross, Your holy love expressed,
Stirs a passion in my soul, calling me to give my best
No sacrifice I could give for you could match what you've given me
For my everything is but a drop of dew, and Calvary is the sea
Calvary is the sea.
If I could take the love I feel and capture it with words
More than what my heart could give is so much less than You deserve
If I should ever doubt Your love, my only wish would be
That You would keep Your rugged cross etched upon my memory
No sacrifice I could give for you could match what you've given me
For my everything is but a drop of dew, and Calvary is the sea
Calvary is the sea.
I am not sure why the song hit me today, but I almost didn't make it through, very unusual for me. Maybe it was the funeral I attended yesterday. Maybe the other stressers in my life. Whatever it was, I was just struck with such a realization of how little I do for my Savior and all He has given for me. It is easy for me to be complacent and to feel all right working in my little church office, proud of myself for following God's call. Yet, I know that He is calling me to step out more, to not be comfortable. I know that whatever I do cannot earn His sacrifice or make God love me more, but I also know that I have to follow that calling...not sure exactly how that plays out right now. I just know today was a reminder...one of those random God moments which gives as many questions as answers.
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