Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Christmas

Well, another breathless December has taken place. It has been crazy as usual(as evidenced by the fact I have not blogged all month). I am looking forward to the weekend though, particularly after I get my cleaning, cooking, and shopping done. Thank you, city of Fayetteville, for throwing a wrench into that for a few days, but God is in control, and all has worked out. I have lived, maybe thrived, through a cantata, two separate concerts, staff dinners, and various opportunities to sing for Sunday school classes, and church groups. I have been nearly giddy today as things have slowed down, and I have accomplished absolutely nothing at work. I realize today that I kind of missed my annual office gathering in Spring Lake, and I would have loved to have seen the crew today. Jamie got to go to Fayetteville to pick up the check the city lost, but I was singing for our seniors today and could not go. I am hoping to head that way one day next week while the kids are out of school to see everyone. But, in all of this, I am acutely aware of the fact that I am where I am supposed to be no matter how unexpected, unwanted, or unlikely. It has been good, and a joyful time. God has been good to us this year, and I am thankful. There is no way to explain the peace or joy that comes from being where God wants you, and I have experienced that in the past couple of months.

I am very excited about worship this Sunday. Christmas Eve is one of my favorite times of worship as it conjures memories of the past. I am anxious this year to add a Moravian Love Feast to my schedule. I went to one last year at a Methodist church in Fayetteville. This year I am actually in Moravian country, and I hope to get to one with my family, or at least a portion of it.

I am saddened by the fact I do not get to see my extended family this Christmas, particularly as my grandfather is doing so poorly and other family members hurting, but I know that they know I love them and are thinking about them. Although, I do not tell them nearly enough. I am guilty of that all the way around, so:

to those of you near and far who know me and read this little bit of randomness and understand it, and me, completely (or know me and just shake your head):

I love you all and wish we could spend the holiday together. I don't say it enough, and there is no way to truly express the depth of my love in words, but you are a blessing to me. Wish we could worship together on Christmas Eve as in days past. I love you.