Ok, so, as usual, this Christmas season has been crazy. I realize that that is true for most people, but for me it is a bit of a job hazard as well. Well, this year has been even more so. On top of the usual bevy of rehearsals for upcoming worship services, extra bulletins, locating advent readers, etc., this year I was asked to sing & speak for no less than 3 events not in my usual realm of responsibility. So, I sang my testimony through Christmas music (an interesting challenge, let me tell you) for an event Saturday morning. Next up was a WMU circle meeting at the retirement home near the church on Monday. I really wanted to give a Christmas lesson that was something different than what you normally hear. Ended up, I taught a lesson on being humble as we are shown in the Christmas story (When visited by the angel Gabriel Mary's response was humble; Zechariah was humbled by being made mute after his lack of belief; finally, the humility of Jesus as we are encouraged to have in Philippians 2). Oh, and we had the first of our Christmas programs Sunday night at church.
Tuesday morning my senior ladies' choir sand their cantata at a memory care facility full of alzheimers patients. I think there were 4 or 5 awake out of the 25 (patients, not singers). However, this is the 2nd concert we have done this year where there was a fight between residents. We have been avoiding our usual mosh-pit inducing music, but, apparently, it is not working. I do want to say the ladies are holding their own in their golden years as both times, a woman let a man have it. I am not sure what that means...
Needless to say, I was looking forward to Tuesday night, which looked to be my only night at home this week. You know, occasionally pregnant women are supposed to rest. Well, I got a call at 4:30 Tuesday from a desperate church member. Their Sunday school class was to have a party at the country club in an hour and a half, and their entertainment had just cancelled. I knew she was desperate because when I said that it was just me and Christian for the night, she told me to bring him along (to the country club!! Has she met my son?) Anyway, being so good at saying no, I ran home, got dressed, tried to find a song or two that I had not already sung for everybody this Christmas season, and ran out the door. Well, after a few moments prep time, Christian and I ran out the door. He did wonderful at dinner (another Christmas miracle!!), and it was time for me to sing. Well, there was another group just down the hall from us that was having a very lively time with much hooping and hollering (Christian said they must be watching football!). Well, about the time I got up to sing, the karaoke started. I did my best to sing over their sound system, but the preacher said he couldn't turn around and look at me because it was the first time he'd heard "O Holy Night" and "Californian Dreaming" together, and he was afraid he was going to lose it. Probably good he didn't, because I would have lost it with him. So, God reminded me of that humility lesson I'd taught earlier this week...
Anyway, all this to say...I don't know. It's just been a funny week.
Glad to see you finally updated this thing. It has only been what...9 MONTHS!?!
Wish I were there to see your pregnant belly and hear you sing over California Dreamin'.
HEY!!! She updated! Niceness... I do understand,I've slacked off lately, but I check on you at different intervals :-) What would your life be like without all the crazy? I mean really? I love you! There are days I miss you terribly and not just cuz you sing suh good!
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